
5 Amazing Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business

5 Amazing Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business

A solid digital marketing strategy will give you a framework for conducting online marketing activities. Now every other business prefers to have an inflectional online presence. Social media channels help them in analyzing the interests and behaviors of their target audience.

With ever-changing trends, the companies require a more fluid approach to meet their expectations. In order to make their potential customers engaged with the brand, they tend to organize multiple activities.

The initial step is planning your strategy that involves approaching multiple channels and deploying the media to generate sales.  The next step is creating awareness of your brand to reach a new audience and to increase engagement on your social media profiles. Gradually, approach and remind them about offers and discounts and constrain them to make conversions. Make relationships with your customers by initiating personalized communications.

1. Untie the Potential of SEO

According to Internet Live Stats, the users carry 73,107 searches in Google each second. A thought-leader in business may never want to miss on such massive traffic and conversions by ignoring SEO. Start with aggressive marketing in search engines to secure the top rankings and play fairly for retaining the top positions.

The major part of SEO starts with the on-page optimization that includes tweaking the website structure that is easy to index and rank for the search bots, and the inclusion of business queries naturally in the content.

The later part, the on-going one, is called the off-page SEO that comprises a whole lot of activities like forum discussion, helping people on question/answer websites, blog commenting, directory submissions, local business listing, social bookmarking, influencer outreach for a mention or guest posts, etc.

Untie the potential of SEO by drafting a strategy that includes a mix of activities, keep track of the results, and this will soon project your business website to top rankings.

2. Optimize for Mobiles with Lead Magnets

Optimizing your website design and structure for a variety of mobile screen sizes may not count directly as a marketing strategy, but without this, all your marketing efforts may fail.

A layout or appearance that was charming and attractive back a decade is not going to work in 2019. It is turning more towards the mobile responsiveness. The Hosting Facts, in one of their posts, speculated that mobile eCommerce revenue to reach $696.36 billion this year.

If you are facing conversion declines despite a strong development team, there may be a design flaw or possibly the mobile users may be finding it difficult to navigate your website. Look into the trends and recommended practices of web design in Dubai or any location where your target audience resides, and take a leap after considering the effectiveness of the projected changes in design.

The design medication is not for the same in improving the user experience. It is equally beneficial for SEO rankings as well. Google has rolled over a mobile-first indexing procedure that aims to prioritize the websites that well-optimized mobile versions and ignore the rest of the websites, which are soon to be penalized as well. Modify the design for a better user experience along with lead magnets that may serve a significant role in your sales funnel.

A lead magnet is an act of giving away eBooks, info-rich newsletter, product availability intimation, or anything that may compel a user to share their personal email addresses with your website. Collect email addresses and segregate them with respect to your users’ interests, behavior, and regions, and you have a complete list of people who are ready to convert whenever a captivating offer is sent.

3. Ensure astounding Social Media Presence

Social media has become a worldwide sensation to bring the users together and making them watch the entertaining content. In comparison to other media outlets, social networks are performing at their peak that according to Statistica, Facebook alone, is amassing an active user community of about 2.27 billion per month.

The statistics make it crucial for any business leader to build, possess, and retain a staggering presence on multiple social media networks and platforms. Facebook is being a key player that suffices the needs of digital marketing for a variety of business types and models.

Business owners who are running online stores or blogs related health and fitness, fashion and beauty care, and lifestyle can spice up their marketing efforts by adding visually focused platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, or even the WhatsApp groups.

Every social media network has its charm and user base. In order to make the most out of each platform, you may need to fabricate the content accordingly. For example, YouTube users may want more about tutorials and how-to videos, whereas your followers on LinkedIn may be seeking career or business opportunities.

In the same manner, Twitter is used for micro-blogging. Your followers may be there for getting quick news updates, tips, a quotation, or a story around your online business. Select a platform as per your business needs, the community you need to target and build around an impressive presence.

4. Jazz up Your Users with Brilliant Content

Content marketing is one of the essential tools of digital outreach. It demands the creation of supreme quality content in the form of text, images, videos, infographics, slides, or data-driven reports to help them sort out various issues related to a product or service you deal with. Ease them in decision-making and they will convert into your buyers.

Start producing content that is relevant as well as helpful for your end users. Writing a blog on routine topics is no more attracting users to click and read. They need something out of the box. You may need to track down the pain points of the users and address them with possible solutions.

The essence of content marketing lies in the creation of content that tries to educate them the most rather than keeping them confused about the features list and stranded among different vendors. Do not limit them to your products or services alone.

Let your potential customers explore your competitors within your post while highlighting your unique selling points. This will help you build a fair and authoritative voice, and the users will start giving your posts valued and credibility.

5. Onboard Partners and Affiliate Marketers

Be different in your digital marketing endeavors by collaborating with other service providers and vendors in your industry. Try to find businesses that are working in the field fields as yours, but deal with a different set of products.

Business partnerships are fruitful for both parties. Therefore, be sure that your partner may also get something in return for referring your clients.

Affiliate marketing is yet another form of business partnership quite famous among eCommerce websites. By opening an affiliate or referral program, you can reduce the burden on your marketing team as your affiliates bring targeted traffic, sales, and conversions. Interestingly, they are paid a commission out of the sales proceed. No cost until a goal is accomplished.

Try affiliate marketing if you have not done this before and you may observe significant growth in your business without allocating budget to the promotions and advertising.

Final words

Digital marketing is huge when it comes to promoting a business on and off the web. It may take into various digital advertising outlets such as electronic billboards and the radio shout outs as well. However, here in this post, I have highlighted some of the phenomenal digital marketing strategies on the web alone. These are the most rewarding techniques; however, you can find more amazing tools and tactics for projecting a business online for better results.

Author Bio

Muhammad Faheem is a Senior Copywriter at United Sol having an industry exposure of more than 7 years. He writes descriptions, reviews, and guest posts on a variety of products and topics.  Currently, he is responsible for producing content for the plug-ins and extensions the company develops for eCommerce platforms, such as Magento, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, etc.


By: Dextra Technologies

1 year ago
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